“I really think [environments] can bring more than a context, and can be as meaningful as a playable character. So obviously, I am happy to see games where the sceneries are a part of the experience, and even more happy when it contributes to a very positive message.”
— Delphine Fourneau, IndieCade Europe 2019 Award Ceremony
“Extremely immersive, beautifully crafted, and highly engaging.”
— Hasan K.
“This game is amazing! It is absolute one of my favorites. When I flew, it felt unreal. Thank you!”
— Player, IndieCade 2019
“The game is great. Visually I am starstruck. Really enjoying the feelings and the plot of the story. Well done!”
— Player, IndieCade Europe 2019
“J’ai adoré les moment de vol! Le jeu est super beau! Bonne continuation!!!”
— Player, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Love the game design and the art and animations are awesome.”
— Lucas Gireli, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Very fun and beautiful game! Thank you for this moment and keep up the good work!”
— Annelyse, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Really interesting concept! The time limited experience is indeed a great motivation to come back and play again. Design is really immersive especially on the first flight.”
— Raffaele
“I loved the game, very charming! The way the tutorial reacts if you catch on quickly is fun, and the voice acting and art direction were great!”
— Matthew Greenfield, IndieCade 2019
“Really beautiful and poetic game.”
— Sasha, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Easily the most fun I’ve had at the whole event! Very intuitive and easy to pick up. The way the animals approach felt so real and actually caught me off guard! Loved the art direction and creature designs were very cool and made me want to discover and interact with them all. Really looking forward to this!”
— Tony Masiro, IndieCade 2019
“It was much easier to ‘get’ and use than I thought it would be. I’m not a gamer so i have a hard time multi-tasking controls. It was very intuitive.”
— Jeffery A.
“La sensation de liberté est grisante, le direction artistique nous emmine dans un autre monde très original et agréable. Tres bonne.”
— Player, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Facile à prenolre en main. Objectif pas trés precis. Visuellement impressionant. Le sound design est au top. Tutoriel essentiel et bien fait.”
— Player, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Great experience, really cute and enjoyable. Loved petting those cuties!”
— Player, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Cool use of building in VR! Easy, casual, and natural. Charming.”
— Player, IndieCade 2019
“Thanks a lot for this very extra-pleasant game.”
— Franck, IndieCade Europe 2019
“I think everyone in my family would enjoy it.”
— Laurie T.
“Super moment! Sauvons les animaux! Very fun & beautiful.”
— Jérémey, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Trés joli jeu. J’ai aimé pouvir voler. C’est super de faire la transition entre le monde triste et sombre veu un monde colore. : ) Merci beaucoup pour l’experience. Bravo! ”
— Liam (11 years old), IndieCade Europe 2019
“Tough to translate into two-dimensional television, but, trust me, it’s amazing.”
— Fox 11, Los Angeles
“Le vol est trés satisfaisant! Les controles répondeur trés bien et roures les action devienment assez intuitives au nour de quelques minutes. Bravo! Congratulations!”
— Player, IndieCade Europe 2019
“Thanks a lot for my first VR Experience it was fun, cute and beautiful. (Even more at night).”
— Gabin
“I found the game really fun. The tutorial does a great job at explaining how to use the powers. I also really like the fly mechanic.”
— Player, IndieCade Europe 2019
“I loved this whole concept! Very fun and wholesome. I didn’t want to stop growing plants! The look was beautiful as well. Thank you!”